Tall SDL Lifting Jack & Stand

The Tallest Safe D Lock® (SDL) jack + POWERDRIVE safely achieves extended lifting heights and is a rated vehicle jack stand for heavy mining vehicles.

Extended Height

2,100mm extended height. Even when fully extended, this jack is compliant with Australian Standards for Vehicle Jacks and Support.

Gusset Supported Cylinder

These jacks have the tallest rated lockable height in our range due to the larger base plate and strengthened gusset supported cylinder.

Mechanical Quadrant Locks

Hold a minimum 3 x rated jack capacity without failure.

Aluminium Remote Pendant

Lock and unlock remotely. A 5 m long remote lead allows the operator to be safely away from the lifting area during lifting, lowering and locking. A magnetized back allows the Remote Pendant to be attached to the side of the truck or SDL, allowing free hands for other work.


Dual independent DC motors powered
by two M18 Red Lithium™ batteries drive the wheels and can self-propel up slopes of 5o.

Australian Designed and Built

Australian designed and built to meet AS/NZS 2693:2007 standard for vehicle jacks, it also meets AS/NZS 2538:2004 standard for vehicle support stands.
Model Number Jack Capacity Metric (tonne) Jack Capacity US (ton)* Jack Capacity (kN) Cylinder Effective Area (cm2) Collapsed Height (mm)** Stroke (mm) Maximum Lift Height (mm)*** Oil Tank Capacity (L) Weight (kg)
* Nominal Cylinder Capacity in ton - see kN values for actual capacity
** Includes load cap height of 22 mm
*** Maximum lift height for AS/NZS 2538:2004 Vehicle Support Stand Rating

Optional Extensions, Tilt Saddles & Load Caps

Model Number Capacity (Tons) Description Diameter (mm) Height (mm) Spigot Depth (mm) Spigot Diameter (mm) Weight (kg)
SDS-150/200N150/200Serrated Tilt Saddle 1265960505
SDE200-100 200100mm Extension 14110060508
SDE200-150 200150mm Extension 14115060508
SDE200-200 200200 mm Extension141200605015
SDE200-300 200300 mm Extension 141300605015
SDE200-400 200400 mm Extension 141400605015
SDE200-500 200500 mm Extension 141500605015
SDLC-200 200Serrated Steel Load Cap* 1262260504
WARNING - Do not stack extensions
* Supplied as standard